Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Plan "B"

Press Release: Does Plan B Really 'Prevent Pregnancy'? Only if You Practice Linguistic Deception

First of all, let me say that these people have it mostly right. I (along with most scientists, but I honestly don't care what they think) believe that "life" begins when the sperm hits the egg. That's why it's called "conception". This pill (Plan B) doesn't keep that from happening, it only keeps the egg from attaching to the uterine wall "an event that generally takes place about a week after fertilization", effectively aborting an otherwise viable life.

I found two things interesting here though. The first is that this group completely fails to mention that oral contraceptives ("The Pill") work in exactly the same way. I'm not surprised they left it out- The Pill is something that most Americans have bought into as being a safe and perfectly reasonable form of birth control, and putting anything in there about The Pill would only further make them look like wackos to the unbelievers.

My wife and I only found out the truth about The Pill (and depo-provera) after doing some math with a "how the reproductive system works" book and then nailing my wife's OBGYN to the wall on the matter. (for some reason, I used to go on doctor visits with her. I guess because we were talking about birth control. He was a great guy and she'd always get ticked off when he and I would start to talk about computers while she was spread-eagle and he was examining her...)

US:So doc, she's on this pill, and it keeps us from getting pregnant. How's that work?
Doc:Well, see, there are these hormones, and this gives her a lot of it, so the uterus is so hostile that sperm just can't get through.
US:But sometimes they do?
Doc:Well, see, sometimes, yes, they can. But the egg can't attach to the wall, so you still can't get pregnant.
US:So if method one fails, then this drug will cause her body to abort the pregnancy?
Doc:Well, see, you won't be pregnant because the egg won't be able to attach.
US:But it could be fertilized, and we'd never even know it.
Doc:Well, see, that probably doesn't happen much.
US:But it does happen- the fertilized embryo, post conception, will be aborted.
Doc:Well, see, not so much "aborted", but, it just can't attach. It will come out during her monthly cycle.

Now, I'm not some Catholic who doesn't think you should use a condom, because that's actually preventing the pregnancy. It keeps the sperm from hitting the egg, so there's never a "life" per se. I'm not any kind of Catholic at all, actually. I'll fully rant about religion in another post.

This is the thing in this release that really caught my eye:

"This simple fact should have caused the FDA to deny approval in the first place; it would have, if the FDA were being honest rather than serving as mouthpieces for the pro- abortion cartel. Never in the history of America has a drug that is known to kill people been sold over the counter."

I love "pro-abortion cartel" - that's something I would come up with. This thing about "Never... has a drug that is known to kill people been sold over the counter" is absolutely crazy, and makes them look ignorant. Here's the short list:


Yes, people OD on Tylenol all the time, it doesn't take a lot. In fact, if you have any T3 (Tylenol and codeine) lying around and decide to off yourself, you'll OD from the Tylenol long before the codeine gets a chance to even make you nauseous. Go figure.

*Tobacco; cigarettes, chewing, etc

Sold over the counter and known to contain many drugs that are known to kill. They kill LOTS of people. There's even a warning on the box saying so. I'm not trying to rant on these products, I don't even care, I'm just trying to make a point about OTC drugs that kill people on a regular basis.


A CNS depressant, sold over the counter and known to kill people directly via alcohol poisoning and indirectly as a result of impaired drivers.

No matter how the opponents can screw up a press release, Plan B is still seriously bad news- the abortion clinics will go out of business but the abortion rate will skyrocket-- we'll just call it "avoiding pregnancy".

Write your congressman.



At 8:48 PM, Blogger Jeremy said...

yup. I said it.


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