Friday, March 03, 2006

Universal Pre-K Socialism Defeated

Why don't people today understand the difference in a representative democracy and democracy? Why don't people today understand the difference in a republic and a monarchy? Why don't people today understand the difference in Socialism and Capitalism?

Case in point- they almost passed a universal Pre-K bill in Vermont that would have cost taxpayers millions and put 400+ private businesses out of business. Read the full story here.

You think that you're entitled to free health care? You're not. Nothing is free. You think "the government" should pay for your insurance? Guess what- the government only prints money, it doesn't make money. Every penny of government money was taken from a taxpaying citizen. It isn't my job to support you- this is something the founding fathers strongly believed in. You're entitled only to the air you're breathing.

You want something? Get up, leave your cave, kill something and drag it home.


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