Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Sign up, sign in

Today's entry is written exclusivley for you. I know you're out there. Let me explain.

Every day I write up an entry, I get some email (probably from you) about it. From the email responses, I can tell that there are 10 or so people who seem to enjoy reading these little entries about nothing important.

And every day I write up an entry, you don't post a single comment about it. The discussions I end up having via email would be so much better if they were had here, for everyone to take part in and enjoy. Instead of me saying things like "yeah, that's what so-and-so thought too. They also said this-and-that, what do you think about that?" in multiple emails throughout the day.

Why aren't you posting comments? I'm told it might be because you don't want to "sign up." Fear that Blogger (er, google) will sell your social security number to a convicted felon so that he can steal your job. Or something. Maybe it's the 60-month commitment to make payments. No, wait, that's your CAR- there are no commitments when signing up with blogger.

Here's the thing- it only takes a name (which you can make up) and an email address (which you can probably make up) to post a comment. Crawl out of that shell just a little!

Give it a try. You might like it. Let's see what can happen when I'm not the email-hub for all the comments. Start by clicking the "comments" link below.


At 12:55 AM, Blogger Jeremy said...

"or not."


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