Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Update for 2009

I figure I should post at least once a year. Here's my post for 2009. :)

The house is built and we moved in in October of 2008. It's everything we wanted it to be. The geothermal hvac is amazing, it keeps the house at just exactly the right temperature all of the time, and costs very little to operate. The neighborhood is very nice, quiet, out in the country, but not too far from town. We're about 10 minutes from Broken Arrow, and we can make it to the good parts of Tulsa in about 18 minutes. My commute each day clocks in at 22 minutes, and Sarah's is about the same.

The kids are in public school now, and they like it just fine. They ride the bus in the morning, but they usually get picked up in the afternoon.

So, not to be a total sell out or anything (okay, I'm a total sell out!) but I found this thing that is just amazing. It's an Ambigram generator. It will take one word or two and try to make an ambigram out of them. It's amazing. Put in your name (or your name and your significant others' name) and click the button to see if it can do it. If you get an image back, put your mouse over it and see it rotate upside down, to reveal the same word (or your other word!) That's just cool. I did my name and my wife's, and it flips one over to reveal the other! Try it out!!! Wow!!!

What else is new? Not a lot. I'm working on controlling my clothes washer with an Arduino and I think that it is coming along quite well.

Thanks for reading the blog. I'm going to watch the new LOST now!!!

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