Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lottery (optional tax for the mathematically impaired)

I know, the Lottery Lady says there is no such thing as an "optional" tax, but it's only meant to drive home the point that the math says you are throwing your money away and the stats say that people who buy lottery tickets are lower-class people who probably can't really afford it.

I can't help but be reminded of a time before the Lottery Vote in Oklahoma where I was having a conversation with a fellow voter. It went something like this:

"I'm voting for the lottery because the money goes to schools."

"You really think it will go to schools?"

"Yeah, there is this law that puts the money in a 'lock box' and they can only spend it on education."

"What about the money the state allocates now for education- what would keep them from lowering that amount, meaning that the total amount for schools would stay the same and the state would have additional money to do with however they see fit?"

"Well, they won't do that. Why would they do that?"

"That's what has happened in every other state that has ever enacted a lottery to increase state education funding. "

"Well, I'm voting for the lottery. It's a free country and we should be able to buy lottery tickets."

"Whatever, man. You're stupid."

Okay, I didn't say the other person was stupid. But anyway, I heard on the news tonight that education funding in the state has not increased since the lottery because the state is not contributing as much money from the general fund as they used to. Really? Ya think?


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