Tuesday, May 05, 2009

quick post

Just a quick note.

I started cleaning the garage weekend-before-last and finally got some shelves. I really like the "Muscle Rack" from Lowe's (they lowered it back to $149 from $159 per set) and it's made by a company out of Chicago called Edsal Manufacturing.

Now, if you're a welder, you will NOT be happy with this product because the welds are AWFUL! I can't weld at all, but I generally can make it look a little bit nicer than the welds on these parts!!! But for a garage, they look really nice, because all the welded parts are painted black so you can't tell how ugly they are unless you're up close.

But here's the cool part- I bought four kits, which have 11 pieces each. From the 44 total parts, three were "bad" : one had a bit of welding crud in the wrong place so it couldn't mate with the part it was supposed to mate to, one bit was broken (the particle board shelf) and another bit had the top all crushed in, maybe from a drop or something.

There's a paper inside the big box, you know the drill: "DO NOT RETURN THIS TO THE STORE! CALL US FIRST!" and so I called. It was something like 9pm on a Friday night and I actually was put straight into a real human's voice mail. I left my name and number as the kind voice had instructed and on the following Monday at 8am a very nice lady called to find out what parts I needed.

I told her about the three damaged parts and she asked me where I bought them from. I told her, and she said that was fine and that they would ship me some replacement parts. I gave her my address and one week later I have three huge boxes on my porch with the parts I needed to complete the last shelf! THAT is customer service! This company has it together, as far as I am concerned.

Muscle Rack, Lowe's, $149 on sale! By Edsal Manufacturing, they rock!

Stop by and see my garage sometime! Next post: Garage lighting installed! Finally!



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