Thursday, April 06, 2006

Blog Topic?

What's this blog about anyway? Whatever pops into my head, actually. You may think that I should stick to a particular topic or subject matter, and I do- my own brain. Whatever my brain is thinking, that gets formulated into an entry, sometimes.

Today's is a rant about a new bill passed by the legislature in Massachusetts requiring every citizen of that state to obtain health insurance. Our founding forefathers are turning in their graves. If you live in Massachusetts, your money is no longer your money. It all belongs to the state, and they will now tell you how you shall spend it. It also has a clause such that any employer with more than 10 employees must pay for some level of health insurance for their employees.

God help us. As of today, we're no longer living in a capitalist society.


OpEd: Universal Healthcare Passes in Massachusetts (Yahoo!)

Press Release: The Good and Bad for America in Massachusetts' New Universal Health Care Model (U.S. Newswire)

In other news, the Maryland legislature passed an anti-Wal-Mart bill (after a veto by the governor) that requires them to pay 8% of their payroll for health care for their employees in that state. Socialist AFL-CIO president John Sweeney had his to say on the matter: "What the Maryland victory shows is that the tide is turning, because working people are not just fed up, they are ready to get active to set our country in a different direction, one state at a time"

If I was running Wal-Mart, I would quickly make a very strong statement to states that intend to tell me how to run my business, by immediately closing all Maryland stores and letting every Maryland Wal-Mart employee join the ranks of the unemployed.


Money Article: Maryland first to OK 'Wal-Mart bill' (USA Today)

Press Release: State Legislator Group Denounces Maryland's 'Fair Share Health Care Fund Act' (U.S. Newswire)


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