Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Faith or Works?

I know I haven't yet completed my series on religionism, but I found this today and even though I really don't have the time to comment, I'm going to anyway. First, the article:

The difference between a prophet and a heretic is time.

It's about Carlton Pearson, a minister in Tulsa, Oklahoma, who believes in the "Doctrine of Universal Salvation." (aka "Doctrine of Inclusion")

Most Christians think he is nuts, because they have been brainwashed their entire lives to believe that. I remember the Sunday we heard about his belief, and how I, along with all my friends, discussed how insane he must be. It was only long after my own conversion (which came through study, and not by persuasion- no one else I know believes this way) that I remembered what he believed.

One of the comments to the post (above) is that Christ said "No man cometh unto the father but by me." (I love how the really dogmatic types always have to quote from the King James Version)

Yes, Christ said that. And then He hung on a cross and died.

Perhaps he who quoteth, too quickly forgetteth.

This is the simple form- You either believe in salvation by "works," or you believe in salvation by "grace" through the cross. Most Christians today deny salvation by works and then preach salvation by works. You disagree? See if your version of "salvation" includes a verb.

Speak? Confess? Believe? Follow? Look those words up in any dictionary- each one has a "v" following it. Either you believe that Christ died for our sins, or you think there is something else you/we/us need to do to "finish up" the work at the cross. "Lest any man should boast."

You probably know that "...If you do not confess me before men, I will not..." . Compare that with "...Every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess..."

What part of "finished", "every", or "all" do we, as Christians, not understand?

Someone else, in the comments, says "What about Hitler?" Well, what about him? Yes, he was bad- but is Christs' blood only sufficient for "most" or "some" sin? How much more amazing is it if even the sins of Hitler have been forgiven through the crucifixion of a sinless lamb, and His subsequent resurrection? It's so mind-boggling amazing that most of you can't comprehend it enough to even consider it. But you're not God. Thank God you're not God.

This is where you click the "comments" link below and call me a heretic. It's ok- I've been called that (and worse) by people with more letters after their name than you have. Before you do, read 1 Timothy 4:10. (et al)


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