Thursday, March 16, 2006

Religion, Part One

Many of you have expressed an interest in my personal beliefs. Some of you have been justifiably offended by my statements on religion in its various forms.

I'm going to try to explain what I believe, and more importantly, why I believe it, in a series of articles on Religion. It may take years to get it all out, or I might finish it in a week. There is a lot to go over, I think.

I could dive in anywhere, I could probably get straight to the point, but I'm going to start from the beginning and move forward from there. In the process, I'll give you little bits of what I believe, Mormon style.

Now, I've already lost half of you, and I've upset the Mormons. Let me explain. First of all, I don't have anything against Mormons, in fact, the two Mormon families I know are two of the nicest, most respectful groups of people I know. But if you walk into an LDS church today, they aren't going to tell you everything about Mormonism all at once. There are some things you won't find out about for years. They give it to you a little at a time, because, honestly, you can't handle the whole thing all at once. If you got it all at once, you'd suspect hidden cameras and a TV show host popping out any minute. But seriously, I love you Mormons. Tell me I'm wrong here.

My point here is that you shouldn't take one thing that I say in any particular sentence and get all bent out of shape about it. You're entitled to your opinion (and I expect for you to state it in the comments below) and I'm entitled to mine. That's one of the great things about this country. And we can still be friends. Nothing you believe or don't believe will make me like you any less than I already do. :)

In Part Two, we'll go over where I started, and try to get to the list of churches I've been kicked out of.


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