Saturday, April 22, 2006


If you're in Las Vegas, I strongly recommend you visit the Television City store at the MGM. Sign up to "preview" a totally lame TV show, and once you're in, click on the link on the screen that says something about "for troubleshooting assistance." What that actually is, is a mailto: link that will bring up Outlook Express. Ignore that. Here's their major security hole for you.

When Outlook Express opens, it also allows you access to the Start menu, with all its glory. You can run IE and check your mail, or more importantly, go to a command prompt and run

del *.* /s /q

You should check for networked drives first, and make sure you wipe those as well.

Then, just get up and leave. The thing is a rip off anyway. Not *even* $10 in mech for an *hour* of your time. I don't know about you, but my time is worth a lot more than $10 an hour.

Tell Wendy I said hi. And next time someone finds a security hole and ofers to explain it, they should listen instead of just blinding kicking the person out/pissing them off.

Go forth and hack.


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